Our undergraduate and graduate outreach volunteers are both enthusiastic and informed, and regularly contribute to scientific investigation by interning and volunteering in area research labs! We’ve helped place students, many pursuing a minor in interdisciplinary neuroscience at Portland State University, at OHSU and Legacy Research.

LEARN MORE: Interdisciplinary Neuroscience minor @ Portland State University
LEARN MORE: How did we get an Interdisciplinary Neuroscience minor @ Portland State University
LEARN MORE: Volunteer Opportunities in Research @ OHSU
LEARN MORE: A Legacy of Links
LEARN MORE: Northwest Noggin Collaborators!
So what is it like to work in a lab?
Many undergraduates are excited about pursuing research, but might not know what it involves. Research experience is essential for gaining a better understanding of how science is conducted, the promise and limits of techniques, how results are interpreted – and it helps them decide if it’s something they really want to do.

Our volunteers like to write, and communicate, and have published posts describing their efforts.
Learn more at the links below!
Little People Large Study

Do You Wake Up Tired?

Genetics, Behavior and Big Data

Clinical Trials and Finding Hope

From External to Internal

My Pathway to Research

What Happens to a Young Brain on Opioids?

More Than One Path to Research

Curiosity for the Noggin

The Significance of Sleep

A Brain without Glia

When a Western Blot Goes SOUTH

Are “mini-brains” BRAINS?

A Vignette of Voles

A Lit Review of Cannabis Vaping for Pain

My Journey to Research

You belong in research

Dreaming of Better Sleep for Children with Down Syndrome

A Scientific Journey: The Value of Subjective Data

Voices of Two Worlds: Delving into Mandarin-English Bilingualism

Mindful Research

To the Lab!

Research & Practice: The Human Element

From combat boots to lab coats

Learning with Light

What it’s like to work in a computational lab and opportunities for entering into research

How do you find a job in a lab?

Breaking DNA at NogginFest 2022

Do you have free will?

Interested in Research? Here’s what I gained from my volunteer experience in a neurobiology lab

What’s it like to volunteer in a neurobiology lab?
(Part 1: Training)

What’s it like to volunteer in a neurobiology lab?
(Part 2: Experience)

What’s it like to research aging & neurodegeneration?

What is brain surgery like?

David Jacobs walks us through a research paper

Addressing TBI through research, outreach & art

Building Connections through Mentoring

What is it like to volunteer in an ADHD lab?