To Bounce Or Not To Bounce

Post by Sydney Watson, senior undergraduate at Portland State University, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Public Health, with a minor in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience. This winter I participated in outreach at both Portland and Vancouver area public schools. I’d known about NW Noggin for as long as I’ve worked on my…

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Obsession and the Brain

Post by Allan Gaither, an undergraduate working on his Bachelor’s Degree, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at the Honors College of Portland State University. While traveling school to school with NW Noggin I’ve engaged with students in a number of amazing ways, from handling brains with them…

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Music is My Copium

A post by Emmali Luangrath, an undergraduate majoring in Psychology while pursuing a minor in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at Portland State University. Do you feel heard? Why is it that whenever we listen to our favorite songs or genre of music we feel the most “heard?” How does music call up…

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Is There Room Enough?

Post by Willow Coughlan, a Portland State University senior working toward a BA in Psychology and an Interdisciplinary Neuroscience minor. Willow joined several NW Noggin events with students of a variety of ages and backgrounds during Winter 2025. Throughout this winter I have traveled with NW Noggin to public schools…

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Noggins in Gaza

We were hugely heartened by the opportunity to join the volunteer NeuroChem Lab and meet with over twenty awesome young students from the British International School in Gaza (BIS Gaza). It’s horrifying and heartbreaking to witness the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people by the government of Israel, aided, abetted and…

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Are grownups more boring?

Post by Yasaman Farhand, a graduate in Science and Interdisciplinary Neuroscience from Portland State University. Yasaman has contributed to multiple outreach visits to K-12 public classrooms and at the annual NogginFest through She is the mother of a 3rd grader in Tigard-Tualatin Public Schools in Tigard, Oregon. It was an honor to host the NW Noggin outreach group…

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Little People Large Study

Research on child brain development Post by Salma Nassar, an undergraduate majoring in Psychology and minoring in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience and Community Health at Portland State University. How I got involved in research Academic planning is a passion of mine. Besides doing it for myself I often help friends form a…

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Noggin Bloggin