Where is NW Noggin?
NW Noggin is a locally sourced, 501(c)(3) ALL-VOLUNTEER shoestring nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible contribution supports the purchase of sheep brains, pipe cleaners, electrodes and clay for innovative, arts-integrated outreach, and helps send volunteers from local universities (including Portland State University, OHSU, and other area institutions) to public school classrooms, conferences and free community events.
LEARN MORE: Community Neuroscience: How to Build an Outreach Organization
NW Noggin: Art + Brains
Here We Are in our NW Noggins!
Summer 2015: Week 2 Complete!
Join us in Chile in 2025!
Dancing dendrites @ Camas 4 Kids!
With fires still raging in the Columbia River Gorge, Noggin returned to the annual Camas 4 Kids Health Fair under smoky yellow skies, along with our popular brains, pipe cleaners and outreach volunteers… LEARN MORE: Portland has the worst air quality in the country We arrived at the impressive Doc Harris…
Noggin mug winner in Astoria!
Astoria Noggins: Tipsy Buzzed Mice @ Street 14
This week NW Noggin visited historic Astoria, at the mouth of the Columbia River, to explore some fascinating links between two local favorites – caffeine and alcohol – and the combined actions and effects of these popular drugs on human and rodent behavior and brains… “Green Douglas firs where the…
Nurturing Noggin Nodes @ OHSU
Post and pictures by Jessica Patching-Bunch, NW Noggin Resource Council member NW Noggin is everywhere..! This week a dozen bright and eager high schoolers from all over the Portland area were welcomed to tour various departments at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) as part of a STEM learning program…
Midbrains and Monkeys (Camp Monkey 2017!)
Post written by Jacob Schoen, Noggin Resource Council member for Portland State University… NW Noggineers had a chance to join “Camp Monkey” with dozens of middle school students on Friday at OHSU’s Oregon National Primate Research Center. This summer camp includes a wide range of activities from testing DNA to…
Brush strokes & brains!
SciArt Magazine is published by the innovative SciArt Center, both an online and “pop up” events organization based in New York City that provides opportunities for artists and scientists, and promotes “cross-disciplinary approaches and interactions.” We are honored to share and support their mission! SUBSCRIBE: SCIART MAGAZINE They just released…
Awe, amazement & delight
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – W.B. Yeats Including phenomenal painting and sculpture inspired by scientific investigation and discovery..! Noggin was honored to join the opening reception for a remarkable SciArt group exhibition curated by Sara McCormick, featuring Northwest artists Kindra Crick, Julian…
Synapsing with Summer @ SAIL!
The Summer Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL) is a Portland State University program (modeled after the original SAIL program at the University of Oregon) that partners with Youth Engaged in Science (YES!) in the Fair Neuroimaging Lab at OHSU… SAIL’s mission is “to encourage promising under-privileged middle and high school…
Cellphones & Receptors at Franklin SUN
Inequity is inherent in U.S. education. Many private schools, and public schools in higher income districts offer multiple electives, and further opportunities for academic, athletic and social engagement. Wealthier families often pay for summer programs, travel, hire tutors, and otherwise supplement school experiences with contacts, experiences and connections that can…
Memories @ MedCure
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose…” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go! MedCure is an Oregon company that connects people donating their bodies to science with doctors learning to successfully perform surgery, researchers developing and testing new…
Synapsing in San Diego
“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” ―Maya Angelou.
Our AMAZING volunteers organized the largest all ages Art & Neuroscience Festival in the Pacific Northwest! We offered live bands, science-inspired art, neuroscience research presentations, and the chance to ask questions and examine real brains! The fifth annual Noggin Fest helped send more young scientists and artists to the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego - and into San Diego Unified Public Schools! LEARN MORE @ Brains Beyond SfN!.