Where is NW Noggin?
NW Noggin is a locally sourced, 501(c)(3) ALL-VOLUNTEER shoestring nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible contribution supports the purchase of sheep brains, pipe cleaners, electrodes and clay for innovative, arts-integrated outreach, and helps send volunteers from local universities (including Portland State University, OHSU, and other area institutions) to public school classrooms, conferences and free community events.
LEARN MORE: Community Neuroscience: How to Build an Outreach Organization
NW Noggin: Art + Brains
Feeling no pain @ Velo!
Join us in Chile in 2025!
STEAMing to DC!
NW Noggin was invited, as the guest of both the Neuroscience and the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics (STEAM) caucuses in the US House of Representatives, to present a “Brains + Art” briefing in April, 2016! READ MORE: NW Noggin House briefing invitation – 4-27-16 Image by Jeff Leake and Alex Voigt (2016) Three of…
Redefining TBI through Art
This past Thursday March 10th, NW Noggin and Velo Cult Bike Shop presented Traumatic Brain Injury: Comedy, Communication, Community. The alliterative title might have had a few curious attendees scratching their noggins… Just what does comedy have to do with TBI?! And what does community have to do with an individual’s TBI?? Well,…
Thalamic Thunder @ OMSI
Our subcortical sensory nuclei were nearly overwhelmed by masses of eager children, parents, grandparents and members of the public curious about neurons at the annual OHSU Brain Fair! Held at the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI), this exceptionally popular event brings together scientists, medical professionals and educators, and is the largest…
Spies, Scouts & Scribes at Bonny Slope
More Bonny Brains
Another day at Bonny Slope Elementary, this time with 200 4th and 5th grade students eager to learn about their Wise Leader (frontal lobe cortex), and their Spy (occipital lobe), Scout (temporal lobe), Councilor of Spatial Awareness (parietal lobe), Scribe (their hippocampus, in their medial temporal lobe), and Guard (that threat-sensitive,…
Pot Therapy
Tonight Noggin offered visitors to the Newmark Theater a generous spread of colorful neurons, real brains, cannabis strain guides, and even home-baked brownies (the regular kind, thanks to Brianna Jacobs and Tara Leake)..! This was the most popular, practically sold out lecture of Brain Awareness Season, and folks arrived early to admire Noggin neurons,…
The Land of Cerebrum
All images and video by Alex Voigt… Five exceptionally creative Noggin participants debuted a play at Bonny Slope Elementary School, for kindergartners and first graders eager to learn about the various parts of their brains..! Erin McConnell, Jacob Schoen, Penny Allen and Brianna Jacobs from Portland State University, and Matty McCasland from…
Neuro Crossfit @ the Newmark
Thanks to Kate Stout of the OHSU Brain Institute, NW Noggin had plenty of space on Monday night, for brains, games, and our eager volunteers from Portland State University, and WSUV… We were there to learn about how video games might improve cognitive performance, from Adam Gazzaley, a professor of Neurology, Physiology and…
Synaptic Pruning @ Skyridge
We returned to Skyridge Middle School last Friday, this time for Raeleen Gilman’s classes. Courtney Miskell, Joseph Seuferling, Nathan Allen, Rosie Salice from Washington State University Vancouver, and Ellena Rosenthal from Portland State University joined us for a day of conversation about brains and behavior with four well informed groups of…
Brain Drama @ Bonny Slope!
NW Noggin is excited to have arranged stipends from Bonny Slope Elementary in Beaverton Public Schools, for five experienced outreach experts to present three days of brains, art and theater to about 600 K-5 students! WE DID IT! The Land of Cerebrum Erin McConnell, Brianna Jacobs, Jacon Schoen and Penny…
Synapsing in San Diego
“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” ―Maya Angelou.
Our AMAZING volunteers organized the largest all ages Art & Neuroscience Festival in the Pacific Northwest! We offered live bands, science-inspired art, neuroscience research presentations, and the chance to ask questions and examine real brains! The fifth annual Noggin Fest helped send more young scientists and artists to the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego - and into San Diego Unified Public Schools! LEARN MORE @ Brains Beyond SfN!.