From their website: “The Society for Neuroscience is the world’s largest organization of scientists and physicians devoted to understanding the brain and nervous system.”
NW Noggin volunteers include neuroscience undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs and artists, and both individually and collectively we present and attend local chapter meetings and international conferences for the Society for Neuroscience (SfN).

Yet we don’t stay in the humongous convention centers of Chicago, San Diego or DC. We make a point to bring our informed and enthusiastic outreach volunteers into surrounding communities, to make brain art and discuss neuroscience research with K-12 students and the public!

We’ve also worked with SfN to present global webinars on outreach, run a mobbed Art of Neuroscience pipe-cleaner neuron building booth, bring real human brains into their 50th anniversary – and in 2018 we presented the keynote address on Brain Awareness!

Learn about all these exciting and educational experiences, how we manage to organize support for so many students – and how you can do this too – at the links below
See our plans for SfN Chicago this fall 2024!

Check out what we did in DC last fall 2023!

Psychedelics & Outreach

Observing Art & Brains @ SfN

Brains Beyond SfN

2022 Society for Neuroscience conference!

2021 Society for Neuroscience conference!
We submitted our poster abstract to the first LIVE, in person SfN Conference since 2019! Abstract submission opens on Tuesday, July 6 and closes on Thursday, July 15.

NOTE: We decided to withdraw this year, and direct resources towards direct community engagement. But we plan to return live and ready for public outreach to an exciting in person SfN conference in 2022!

Action AND Potential!
Reconnecting our brains, one cell at a time
Noggins in CHICAGO!

Reflections on Chicago

Brains & Sex @ SfN

Synapsing in San Diego @ SfN!

Lakeside sits a ship

Noggin @ SfN: Brain Awareness Campaign Event

Noggins & Noodles @ SfN!

Mental health @ McMenamin’s

From classrooms to Congress!

Serving 700 students at SfN!

NW Noggins Bring #brains2DC!

NW Noggin: Art of Neuroscience

Myelin @ McMenamin’s!

A network grows in San Diego

Art & Science @ SfN 2016

Cortical Connections in San Diego Schools!

Synapses in San Diego: Noggin @ SfN

Society for Neuroscience covers Noggin in DC!

Bringing Neuroscience to Congress

Edgefield EPSPs: Growing in Networks @ SfN!

NW Noggin featured in SfN Neuroscience Quarterly!

SfN Chapter Meeting: Drugs, Genes & STEAM!

NW Noggin featured in SfN Neuronline

Noggin @ Chicago SfN

Posters, Politics and the PPA

Monet to Magritte, Contemplating Neuroscience at the Art Institute of Chicago

NW Noggin at Oregon SfN

NW Noggin visits DC!