Touched in the head

Touch is just one of Aristotle’s original “five senses,” but it involves much more than gentle pressure perceived when holding an apple, or tapping a screen.  Our “somatosensation” (sensation from the body) encompasses many specific impressions  –  heat, cold, hair deflection, poke  –  each dependent on a specific neuronal “micro-machine.”  It is also utterly…

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Psychopathy & brains

What is a psychopath?  What drives a Ted Bundy, or a Diane Downs, to be so cold blooded  –  and to lie, manipulate, and commit horrific crimes without experiencing remorse?  Do the brains of psychopaths differ?  Can we identify changes in specific brain regions that might predict or diagnose this condition?  How should efforts to understand the biological basis…

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Dopamine in Davenport!

What better way to spend Brain Awareness Week than by hitting the open road!  We loaded up our cars with Noggin volunteers, pipe cleaners, dissection trays and extra human brains for a dramatic, stormy 700 mile roundtrip Pacific Northwest journey between Portland/Vancouver and Davenport, Washington..! “Brains in the trunk!”  Exploring unfamiliar…

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