Where is NW Noggin?
NW Noggin is a locally sourced, 501(c)(3) ALL-VOLUNTEER shoestring nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible contribution supports the purchase of sheep brains, pipe cleaners, electrodes and clay for innovative, arts-integrated outreach, and helps send volunteers from local universities (including Portland State University, OHSU, and other area institutions) to public school classrooms, conferences and free community events.
LEARN MORE: Community Neuroscience: How to Build an Outreach Organization
NW Noggin: Art + Brains
Is stress ever good?
Noggin networks: Where we’ll be in DC!
Join us in Chile in 2025!
Many Noggins are better than one!
Post by Christina Williams, Noggin Resource Council member Last Wednesday, we came together and celebrated our first ever Noggin Fest, and it was an incredible success! We are thankful to all those individuals who donated their talents to make this a truly unique and memorable event, which will no doubt…
Noggin Fest 2017!
Post by Noggin Resource Council member Jesse Hamlin WOW! The inaugural year of Noggin Fest was a great success! We packed the Alberta Rose Theater on a rainy Wednesday night, and partied until the wee hours with science, music, brains and art! LEARN MORE: Noggin Fest – Shannon Entropy, King Who, Cambrian…
Latino Network Learning & Lobes
Noggin traveled this morning to the Rockwood neighborhood offices of the Latino Network, a Latino-led organization grounded in culturally-specific practices and services that aims to lift up youth and families to reach their full potential… LEARN MORE: LATINO NETWORK We are thrilled to partner with this fellow community nonprofit which…
Transmitters @ TEDx ⚡️
NW Noggin joined our frequent outreach collaborator Youth Engaged in Science (YES!) from the Fair Neuroimaging Lab at OHSU on Saturday at the inspiring TEDx conference in North Portland, to excite visitors with art and information on how our brains develop, and (mostly!) function… TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is…
Occipital lobes at Ogden!
We spent an especially energetic Tuesday engaging our visual systems – and additional brain lobes and networks – with seven consecutive classrooms of 3rd – 5th graders at Peter S. Ogden Elementary in Vancouver Public Schools..! Our enthusiastic, high endurance volunteers included Jobe Ritchie, Alison Mack, Tyler Parr and Aliese…
BBQ, Beer & Brains!
Noggin joined OHSU medical students and graduate students – including many of our outreach specialists – for a welcome barbecue and information fair, complete with Noggin brains, flu shots, Buster’s pulled pork and Widmer IPAs… Our knowledgeable volunteers, including Jordan Ray and Adam Bishop from Portland State University, and Noggin…
Lateral Landscapes: Homelessness & the Brain in Research & Art 10/19
WHAT: Homelessness & the Brain @ p:ear WHERE: p:ear, 338 NW 6th Ave. Portland, OR 97209 WHEN: Thursday, October 19, 10:00am – 1:00pm (9:00am set up for presenters) NW Noggin has been visiting p:ear, laden with plaster casts of cerebral hemispheres! We’ve been discussing plans to present brain research and art related to…
Drink Together, Stay Together?
Curious folk, partnered and not, streamed into our favorite, world-renowned Portland bike bar to learn what current neuroscience research – and art – suggest about alcohol’s effects on social relationships… Our velocipedal venue offers extensive opportunities to explore the role of this popular drug (an array of quality craft beer…
Here We Are in our NW Noggins!
We are all brains, receiving incoming messages about limited aspects of our bodies and landscapes, routing information along distributed, developing networks of wire-like cellular processes, and coupling this relevant electrochemical flow to outputs which move muscles and generate our complex human behavior… I enjoyed a great conversation last month with…
Noggin Fest October 11th!!
Synapsing in San Diego
“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” ―Maya Angelou.
Our AMAZING volunteers organized the largest all ages Art & Neuroscience Festival in the Pacific Northwest! We offered live bands, science-inspired art, neuroscience research presentations, and the chance to ask questions and examine real brains! The fifth annual Noggin Fest helped send more young scientists and artists to the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego - and into San Diego Unified Public Schools! LEARN MORE @ Brains Beyond SfN!.