Honest selves @ Hosford

“The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.” –Fred Rogers NW Noggin outreach volunteers at Hosford Middle School, Portland Public Schools… LEARN MORE: Brain Hacking is Electric! Did you know that we, the public, spend close to $40 billion annually on efforts to better understand and treat pressing medical needs,…

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Making our own boxes, and brains!

Post by Michael Deveney, Noggin volunteer from Portland State University “The most interesting people you’ll find are ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box. They’ll make what they need, they’ll make their own boxes” –Dr. Temple Grandin I spent my Valentine’s Day with students at Bridges Middle School, one…

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Carry on my wayward son

What do zombies have to do with neuroscience? What might vampires teach us about addiction? How does the repeated trauma of losing family members, friends  –  and werewolf lovers  –  impact our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and our hippocampus? And why hasn’t the Hippocamp made an appearance on the show? (or am…

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Synaptic Community Connections

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca We love hitting the road with our 3D printed brain models, BioGift-ed brains, pipe cleaners, extensive collection of animal brains and beetle-scoured skulls  –  and some of the most knowledgeable, enthusiastic graduate and undergraduate students inspired by learning…

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Auras & Axons @ AMWA!

The American Medical Women’s Association is a century old organization serving “to advance women in medicine and improve women’s health…by providing and developing leadership, advocacy, education, expertise, mentoring, and strategic alliances…” LEARN MORE: American Medical Women’s Association “A woman’s health is her capital.” –Harriet Beecher Stowe We LOVE collaborating with…

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The World Inside Their Heads

Post by Camden Howard, undergraduate in Psychology at Portland State University. Photos and editing contributions by Bill Griesar. Cam introduces Mac students to a human brain from BioGift NW Noggin traveled across the Columbia River this week to visit with students and families at “the Mac”  –  a.k.a., McLoughlin Middle…

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