Search Results for: velo cult

Psychedelic Portland

Post by Aaron Eisen, PSU graduate in Psychology and Social Science, OHSU research/teaching assistant, graduate student at the National University of Natural Medicine, and NW Noggin Resource Council member for Communications There is a renaissance of psychedelic therapy underway, and growing interest in the underlying mechanism of these medicines as…

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Lakeside sits a ship

Post by Madison Cho-Richmond, undergraduate at Portland State University and NW Noggin outreach volunteer McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois was my boat for the week, offering waves of research posters, eddies of sciart, and strong currents of inspired neuroscience researchers and students like me. It’s a carnival cruise for the…

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Being there means something

Post by Drew Sinclair, undergraduate student veteran at Portland State University and NW Noggin outreach volunteer Brains use energy Our brains require a lot of energy. Navigating, remembering, making decisions, responding to circumstances requires the coordinated activity of networks of linked brain regions, and the burning of sugar (glucose) to…

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Nicotine is a gateway drug

“So why are some legal drugs (like nicotine and alcohol) and prescribed medications (like opioids) MORE DANGEROUS for healthy brains than some illegal drugs like LSD and marijuana?” We arrived at p:ear this month to find one young woman who was clearly anxious and jittery, irritated and upset – because…

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Popping off (& pot) @ p:ear

“Everything that drowned me taught me how to swim.” ― Jenim Dibie Brains, art & research: November is NOGGIN MONTH at p:ear! We are always thrilled to return to this essential, welcoming community space, replete with good food, terrific art, and curious young people facing extreme life circumstances, including an unconscionable…

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Fireside Chat w/Dr. Vivek Murthy

WHAT: Fireside Chat with Dr. Vivek Murthy following the Social Neuroscience Fair at the Society for Social Neuroscience (S4SN) conference! WHERE: West Pavilion Auditorium, Museum of Science & Industry Chicago, 5700 S Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60637 WHEN: Thursday, October 17, 2019, 5:30pm – 6:45pm Dr. Vivek H. Murthy…

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Brain-casting, on a budget!

Post by artist, Noggin volunteer and PSU graduate Darrin Lane Holding a real human brain for the first time is an unforgettable experience, one that confronts you, directly, with the extraordinary physical underpinnings of your own thoughts, feelings, memories, dreams and personality. It encourages many young people to think deeply…

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How to 3D Print a Brain

“The mistakes pointed out the problems with the project, pushing the maker to improve upon them.” –Mark Frauenfelder Making things, experimenting, responding to what’s in front of you, thinking about your options, steps and consequences, learning from your own mistakes and converting your developing ideas and data into tangible objects,…

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