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Synapses, Stories & Song!
October 8, 2018 - October 11, 2018
WHAT: Spirit Mountain Community Fund supported art and neuroscience outreach to tribal schools
We did it!!
Until the story takes shape
In the Spirit of Learning
Joanne Trzcinski on Synapses, Stories & Song!
Watch this space: More posts, pictures and research links coming soon!!
WHERE: Siletz Valley, Amity & Willamina schools
WHEN: October 8 – 11, 2018
NW Noggin is thrilled and honored to receive a grant from the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde, a sovereign Native American nation in north-central Oregon, for our art and neuroscience outreach proposal “Synapses & Stories: Coyote, Grizzly and their Brains!”
With support from the Spirit Mountain Community Fund, and in collaboration with the Oregon Pacific Area Health Education Center (OPAHEC)…
And through a partnership with the Native American Network at Intel (iNAN), which is developing 3D printed brain sets, bound books of stories, research, art projects and songs, and “Noggin classroom brain kits” (complete with pipe cleaners, recycled plastic brains, electrophysiology recording devices and laminated art project instructions)…
…we are bringing twelve undergraduate and graduate student volunteers studying neuroscience and art to the Lincoln County and Willamina School District October 8 – 11 for three, day long visits aimed at making connections between figures in Grande Ronde and Siletz tribal stories (including Coyote, Crow and Grizzly) and their relevant neuroanatomy…
Fish Martinez, aka 28 Tha Native, is joining us all three days to tell stories, answer questions, hold brains, make music and create art with students at Siletz Valley, Amity and Willamina schools…
And puppeteer Ana Lucia Mello is making puppets with K-12 students and presenting on her collaboration with the Nez Perce throughout Tuesday at Siletz Valley…
LEARN MORE: Synapses & Stories: Coyote, Grizzly & their Brains!
Monday, October 8: Travel to Siletz, OR
STAY: Elizabeth Oceanfront Suites, 232 SW Elizabeth St, Newport, OR 97365
1. Jordan Ray & Aaron Eisen
2. Joey Seuferling
3. Leota Wolford & Sami Friedrich
4. Ana Lucia Mello
5. Jacob Schoen & Ashley Keates
6. Sara Moreno & Sulema Rodriguez
7. Denesa Lockwood
8. Bill Griesar & Jeff Leake
9. Anthony “Fish” Martinez (28 Tha Native)
Tuesday, October 9
OUTREACH: Noggin @ Siletz Valley!
Siletz Valley Early College Academy (8:00am – 3:15pm)
We did it!
STAY: Spirit Mountain Casino, 27100 SW Salmon River Hwy, Grand Ronde, OR 97347
1. Jordan Ray & Aaron Eisen
2. Joey Seuferling
3. Leota Wolford & Sami Friedrich
4. Jacob Schoen & Ashley Keates
5. Sara Moreno
6. Denesa Lockwood
7. Bill Griesar & Jeff Leake
8. Theresa Smith
9. Anthony “Fish” Martinez (28 Tha Native)
Wednesday, October 10
OUTREACH: Noggin @ Amity K-12
Amity K-12 School (7:45am – 3:00pm)
STAY: Spirit Mountain Casino, 27100 SW Salmon River Hwy, Grand Ronde, OR 97347
1. Jordan Ray & Aaron Eisen
2. Joey Seuferling & Veronika Lobova
3. Leota Wolford
4. Jacob Schoen & Ashley Keates
5. Sami Friedrich
6. Denesa Lockwood
7. Bill Griesar
8. Jeff Leake
9. Anthony “Fish” Martinez (28 Tha Native)
Thursday, October 11
OUTREACH: Noggin @ Willamina K-12
Willamina Middle & High School (7:45am – noon)
1. Jordan Ray, PSU
2. Denessa Oberbeck, OHSU, Noggin Brain Board
3. Joey Seuferling, Noggin Resource Council
4. Sami Friedrich, OHSU
5. Sulema Rodriguez, PSU/NIH BUILD EXITO
6. Ana Mello (Siletz)
7. Sara Moreno, PSU (Siletz, Amity)
8. Jacob Schoen, OHSU National Primate Research Center
9. Ashley Keates, PSU
10. Bill Griesar, NW Noggin/PSU/OHSU
11. Jeff Leake, NW Noggin/PSU
12. Aaron Eisen, PSU
13. Veronika Lobova, WSUV (Willamina)
14. Catherine Caine, Waikiki Elementary School
15. Anthony “Fish” Martinez (28 Tha Native)
16. Theresa Smith, Siletz Valley Early College Academy
Synapses & Stories:
More on our Noggin project
Many K-12 students struggle with academic achievement, and become disenchanted with school. The dropout rate for Native Americans is particularly high.
LEARN MORE: American Indian/Alaska Native Students in Oregon: A Review of Key Indicators
LEARN MORE: Oregon’s Native American students face obstacles to stay in, complete school
There is tremendous regional and national need to develop academic programs and approaches that successfully engage “academic priority” students, and offer access to the social and economic benefits of further education. Our efforts to bring together “near peers,” including undergraduates in science and art, to collaborate with graduate students on creating novel, innovative, multidisciplinary methods of explaining complex ideas in neuroscience, exposes these students to scientists and artists at various stages of their careers…
Our volunteers come from multiple Portland area institutions. Several, including Portland State University and Oregon Health & Science University, actively support innovative community engagement and outreach…
LEARN MORE: NW Noggin collaborators
In October (8 – 11), Noggin participants will bring real brains, both animal and human, into the classroom, and ask students what they already know. We’ll hear from them as experts on tribal stories, and consider how various skills and characteristics of important figures in Grande Ronde and Siletz tales relate to specific networks of neurons. We’ll enjoy multiple art projects, including neuron building and brain maps, to allow students to explore these ideas further…
LEARN MORE: Synapses, Stories & Song!
LEARN MORE: Grande Ronde Lesson Plan on Stories & Myths
We have done this before, successfully – see Noggin Bloggin for details. Students will learn structure/function relationships, discover educational and career options in neuroscience and art, and get engaged in big questions about how our brains work and make us who we are.
Thank you Spirit Mountain Community Fund for supporting this work!
Noggin @ Siletz Valley!
Tres Escuelas en un Día!
Brains are xumxum @ Willamina
Noggin + Storytelling + Song @ Siletz Valley
And we’ve been acquiring materials and skills for compelling outreach this fall…