Correctional Facilities

“Change itself is what fascinates me. I am drawn, as a moth to the flame, by edge situations, by situations of metamorphosis.”― Annie Proulx

Some of our most memorable, powerful and beneficial outreach experiences take place behind fences, in correctional facilities throughout Oregon.

The widespread experience of dehumanization, racial and other bias, punitive “spare the rod, spoil the child” religious opprobrium and stress, in combination with the variability of growing brains and brain networks involved in social decision making during adolescence can create environments that are hostile to healthy brain development.

Knowledge about brains, art making and direct community engagement can help.

Learn more about what we’ve discovered at the links below.

Brains Love Animals

Listening at MacLaren

Corrections, Bias & Brains

At risk of being risky: Teenage brains & Oregon’s Measure 11

Correctional Connections

All is in motion, is growing, is you

Rewiring Youth Justice in Oregon

Myelinating @ MacLaren!

Brains & Change

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