Brain play, diet & soup!

We love Brain Awareness Season, a popular winter/spring series of neuroscience activities and events. NW Noggin is honored to partner with the Dana Foundation, a leading philanthropic organization that first established Brain Awareness Week, and supports research through grants, publications, and programs.

LEARN MORE: Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research

We visit K-12 classrooms and public spaces to train our volunteers in innovative arts-integrated science communication (STEAM)  –  all year round  –  and help inspire a new generation of educators, researchers and artists by going places, listening, answering all questions, making things, telling stories, advocating for effective policy changes, and reveling in the joy of evidence-based discovery about our brains…

LEARN MORE: What is NW Noggin..?

We’re also thrilled to collaborate with the OHSU Brain Institute, which organizes a compelling annual slate of lectures in Portland, bringing prominent research voices to the public every spring…

Bita Moghaddam, Chair of Behavioral Neuroscience at OHSU

LEARN MORE: NW Noggin: Interview with the Dana Foundation!

Thanks to the generosity of the OHSU Brain Institute, NW Noggin is able to contribute informed outreach volunteers from Portland State University, OHSU and other collaborators at the Newmark Theater, with (of course!) real (extra) brains and neuro-art projects, to answer questions from audience members curious about what they’re (and we’re) learning from these fascinating, cutting edge talks…

We always bring a crowd of current graduates and undergraduates  –  and take what we’ve learned back into our community (public schools, homeless youth centers, art museums, bike shop pubs…) to enthuse and inform more people about the compelling research they are funding in labs around the country…

This year, OHSU introduced three accomplished and inspiring neuroscientists to discuss the brain’s complex biology, and how choosing the right fuels – and wrong ones – might influence our own behavior…

Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University

LEARN MORE: Nourishing Your Neurons: How you fuel your brain creates pivotal changes

After each talk we write a thorough summary, with research links, and post it here

Learn more about what fuels your brain at these new Noggin links below

Soup for Brains!

How much energy does a brain require? How many brain cells do we have? Are humans unique in terms of brain size, number of neurons  –  or social skills, tool use, deception, or play..? How do you make “brain soup?” And what’s the best way to bring fresh cerebrums on an international flight?!

Diamond advice: brains, art, stories & play

What’s the best way to educate a child? How do we help them grow, and develop self-control, focused attention, working memory, social skills, discipline and the motivation to meet life’s challenges and persevere? What have we learned from brain research about the role of schools and families, academics, assessments  –  and play?

Diet vs. Brain

“I’m here to talk about two of my favorite things,” began Dr. Moghaddam. “Brains  –  and eating fat!”

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