Noggin is returning to P:ear, a remarkable Portland organization aimed at building positive relationships with homeless and transitional youth through education, art and recreation to affirm their personal worth and help them create more meaningful and healthier lives…
We are excited to communicate science through the extraordinary volunteer efforts of our talented graduate and undergraduate Noggin participants from Portland State University, Oregon Health & Science University, the Pacific Northwest College of Art, and WSU Vancouver..!
Learning about the brain, and behavior, and the evidence-based structural and functional aspects of who we are is powerful and actionable information for everyone, including young people struggling, like many, with anxiety, depression, drugs, chronic stress – and the poverty, isolation, racism, homophobia, lack of affordable housing and other factors that can impact development.
P:ear is also partnering with a Portland Public Schools science teacher, who will lead “Day after Noggin” activities! Current confirmed outreach participants, with training, include Scott Jones and Brittany Alperin from Behavioral Neuroscience at OHSU, Erin McConnell from Psychology at Portland State University, and artist and educator Kanani Miyamoto, a recent graduate of PNCA who presented on stress at Velo Cult last year…
We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our past visits to P:ear. We are thrilled to be asked back, and we’re committed to once again listening, answering questions, and offering engaging, hands on art activities, science experiments, and honest information about the brain…
NW Noggin actively supports community engagement. We believe in talk + action. We aim to get our participants off their various campuses to provide arts-integrated science communication that informs and inspires – where our fellow community members actually are…
Learn more about our previous P:ear “Noggin Wednesdays” at the links below!
Zombie Brain Training @ P:ear 
Peppered with questions @ P:ear!
Noggin Wednesdays @ P:ear!
P:ear Plans: We’re coming back!
“Piriforming” @ P:ear
Synaptic Shocks @ P:ear!
Potential (electric and more) @ P:ear
Lemon candy @ P:ear
Support P:ear
Please donate to support P:ear’s critical work in our community at the link above…