RESOURCE: Hospital/health care outreach

Art, science, and medicine

Neuron drawings by Santiago Ramón y Cajal

-Drawings by Santiago Ramón y Cajal depicting the individuality of neurons, he is considered The Father of Neuroscience. Cajal Institute.

Santiago Ramón y Cajal was a neuroscientist and an artist. He had the artistic skill needed to gracefully illustrate the individuality of neurons in the nervous system. By connecting his background as an artist to his endeavors as a scientist, the drawings of Santiago Ramón y Cajal led to the concept of the neuron doctrine; that our nervous system is made of discrete cells called neurons. His drawings, which assisted him in making such a groundbreaking scientific discovery, highlight the importance of art in medicine and science.

White Coat Warm Art

From: where image credit is given to Dr. Linda Chang, Queens Medical School, Class of 2018.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom his emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”

-Panda SC. Medicine: Science or Art? Mens Sana Monographs. 2006;4(1):127-138. doi:10.4103/0973-1229.27610.

This quote may have different meanings for everyone. To me, it illustrates the importance of art in the medical field. Art opens up our minds leading to a passion for discovery in the sciences and better emotional care for our patients. 

Neuroscience art outreach to health fairs, K-12 schools, and other communities is essential to cultivating creative thinking in current and future leaders in science. Our mission is to emphasize the importance of art in science and medicine; from medical drawings of anatomy to beautiful illustrations in scientific journals. We hope that future physicians and scientists will carry their appreciation of the arts over into their work in healing and scientific discovery. 

We encourage hospitals, K-12 schools, foundations, and other institutions to contact us for outreach events. NW noggin aims to offer current evidence based information on the brain and behavior as it relates to healthy individuals and community health. NW Noggin is a non-profit organization with volunteers who give their own time to promote science and art in the community.  We go anywhere and everywhere.

Healthcare outreach related events (most recent listed first):

Empowerment through Art & Brains


Lunchtime learning @ Jeff!

Dancing dendrites @ Camas 4 Kids!

Lobes @ Legacy: Nourishing Noggins for Healthy Kids!

Living brain, successful surgery

Pikachu or Purkinje?

Igniting interest with Blaze and Brains!

Thalamic Thunder @ OMSI

Other posts by me:

Joey Seuferling: Institutions must advance…

Joey Seuferling: Changing the world, one brain at a time

Page by Joey Seuferling






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