Sweetness, Shelter & Savants

“There is no real independent self, aloof from other human beings, inspecting the world, inspecting other people. You are, in fact, connected not just via Facebook and Internet, you’re actually quite literally connected by your neurons.” — Vilayanur S. Ramachandran SAVE THE DATE:  October 19th set for Homelessness and the…

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EPSPs & Entropy!

Brains process information, and brain cells transmit data about the world  –  both external and internal  –  through the flow of electricity.  There is often uncertainty in these processes, and multiple potential routes for details about sights, sounds, gut feelings and social interactions to flow through our extraordinarily complex networks of wired neurons.  Entropy…

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Ask Me Anything: Science Reddit Noggin AMA!

We had a blast answering direct, insightful, heartfelt and enjoyable questions about arts-integrated neuroscience outreach from over 3000 curious and passionate participants in our Reddit Science AMA this week.  It is exciting to see strong interest in brain research, education and the arts  –  the conversation apparently drew more than 21,000 viewers worldwide! Check it out here:  Science Outreach…

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Axons @ Ardenwald!

The roses (and dendrites!) were blooming this week in Milwaukie, Oregon, south of Portland but synapsed to the city by the orange line MAX… We arrived at Ardenwald Elementary in North Clackamas Public Schools, signed in and began taping a vibrant brain map to the carpeted floor of Sarah Power’s second grade classroom… We’d gathered another sizable crowd…

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Shocking Connections in La Grande!

I’m a computer guy. So when I drive through cities, I’m always drawn to the technology that’s woven into everything — the stoplights and streetlights, theater marquees, digital clocks and billboards. I imagine the twists of cables inside each of them, winding down from the bulb to the controllers that switch the…

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Sulci in St. Johns

North Portland’s Sitton Elementary has fast become one of our favorite Portland Public Schools, home to a diverse and curious community of students in the forested neighborhood of St. John’s… We’d enjoyed a rainy, energetic day with multilingual kindergarteners and their teachers earlier in May, and now returned to Sitton in…

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