Awestruck and Humbled Amazement

Post by Annabella (Bella) Showerman, undergraduate Psychology major and interdisciplinary neuroscience minor at Portland State University. Many who aspire to study the brain are fascinated with what makes us who we are and why we do the things that we do. I have always been drawn to neuroscience for this very…

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¡Ser bilingüe es maravilloso!

Escrito por Lidia Echeverria-Garcia y Ziru Bolen, estudiantes de posgrado bilingües, Ciencias y Trastornos de Comunicación, Universidad de Oregón. LEARN MORE: 双语很酷! LEARN MORE: Bilingualism is Cool! Muchos niños aprenden dos lenguajes desde temprana edad o después de empezar la escuela. Estos niños son considerados bilingües. Seguido familias preguntan si sus…

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文章由俄勒冈大学言语病理学的双语临床研究生–莉迪亚·埃切维里亚-加西亚 和 姚子茹撰写。 LEARN MORE: ¡Ser bilingüe es maravilloso! LEARN MORE: Bilingualism is Cool! 在您阅读完文章后,请点击此链接填写调查问卷,非常感谢! 参加调查问卷 很多儿童在幼儿或上学时期会学习两种语言,这些孩子被称为“双语者”。许多家庭会质疑他们的孩子会不会因为学习双语而产生困惑? 答案是不会。因为孩子从小就自然而然地知道语言之间的不同。虽然他们说话时可能会混用两种语言,但不必担心,这是完全正常、自然的。 LEARN MORE: Bilingualism in the Early Years: What the Science Says 成为一名双语者有很多好处。双语儿童可能拥有更强的记忆力、注意力、规划能力以及更灵活的思维。拥有两种语言或以上的大脑会锻炼更多的认知技能。此外,会双语的儿童可以与只会说一点英语的家人和社区建立并保持牢固的关系。双语儿童在美国有更多的机会!他们在未来可能有更多的工作机会! LEARN MORE: Bilingual Effects in the Brain LEARN MORE: The Developing Bilingual Brain: What Parents and Teachers Should Know and Do LEARN MORE: The…

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Bilingualism is Cool!

Post by Lidia Echeverria-Garcia and Ziru Bolen, Bilingual Graduate Student Clinicians, Communication Disorders & Sciences, University of Oregon. LEARN MORE: 双语很酷! LEARN MORE: ¡Ser bilingüe es maravilloso! TAKE THE SURVEY Please click on the link to take this survey when you finished reading the blog post – thank you! Many…

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Enamored by Neuroscience!

Post by Grace Taylor, undergraduate Psychology major and interdisciplinary neuroscience minor at Portland State University. Grace joined Noggin outreach volunteers at the gorgeous new MLK Elementary in Vancouver Public Schools this month, including fellow PSU undergraduates Yasaman Farhand, Britta Harbury, Sydney Watson, Elizabeth Munk, Lauren Kuiper and Annabella Showerman. We love brains This April…

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Art, brains & GUTS at Ogden!

Post by Tonia Bautista, undergraduate Psychology major and interdisciplinary neuroscience minor at Portland State University. Tonia joined Noggin outreach volunteers at Ogden Elementary in Vancouver Public Schools this month, including fellow PSU undergraduates Yasaman Farhand, Britta Harbury, Kristin Preston, Roman Cimkovich, Elizabeth Munk, Lauren Kuiper, Hannah Shawo, Tira Gaston and…

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Moving beyond paywalls and jargon

Post by Britta Harbury, interdisciplinary neuroscience and honors undergraduate at Portland State University. Britta regularly contributes to outreach through NW Noggin, and was invited to help present on innovative, student-led community engagement and mental health by Oregon TRIO at their 2022 annual conference on the Oregon coast. Neuroscience is a…

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Lightning in a Berry

Post by Kilsi Naanee, undergraduate in interdisciplinary neuroscience at Portland State University and Biology teacher at Franklin High School in Portland Public Schools. Kilsi organized Noggin visits to Franklin this spring, and wrote about his experience. Planning for outreach There are so many moving parts trying to plan for an…

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Lobes in LONDON

“London always reminds me of a brain. It is similarly convoluted and circuitous. A lot of cities, especially American ones like New York and Chicago, are laid out in straight lines. Like the circuits on computer chips, there are a lot of right angles in cities like this. But London…

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