Post written by Judy Anders, Leslie Macpherson & Michael Endicott, Teachers at North Middle School, Grants Pass, Oregon

The Second Annual Brain Day at North Middle School was an unqualified success. Many thanks to the NW Noggin Neuroscience Outreach Group – who are ALL VOLUNTEERS! – for bringing their expertise, experience, materials, and brains to our students.

LEARN MORE: Can a brain use all of its parts at once?
LEARN MORE: Gray Matter in Grants Pass!
Our students led the learning experience with their own questions and there really is no more authentic or powerful learning experience a student can have. This is the core of what NW Noggin does.

Our 6th graders were completely engaged in Brain and Art related activities all through the day.

In reviewing the pictures of the event there was almost never a time when a student was looking at the camera, they were always focused on whatever activity they were engaged in. Students talked all day about their experiences during Brain Day.

The day before, the father of one of our students asked whether she would be hard to wake up in the morning again and she said no way, tomorrow is Brain Day!

After experiencing the “Drunk Goggles,” one student said she would never get in a car with a driver that had been drinking.

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LEARN MORE: Alcohol Facts and Statistics

Another student recognized the circuit board used in controlling a machine claw with his brain. He was so excited he called his father and had him meet the Noggineer who ran the station after school. Who knows, he might just be making neuroscientific equipment in the future.

A group of our special ed students came in to ask their questions and they participated fully in the each of the stations.

This is a fantastic program and I hope we are able to do it again next year. Our Superintendent and Principal both came by and actually participated in one of the activities. Both thought the event was a great opportunity and experience for our students.

Thank you NW Noggin!!

Image by North Middle School Art Teacher Michael Endicott!!