Post by Christina Williams, Noggin Resource Council member
Last Wednesday, we came together and celebrated our first ever Noggin Fest, and it was an incredible success! We are thankful to all those individuals who donated their talents to make this a truly unique and memorable event, which will no doubt remain in people’s minds for a long time. Thank you for lending your intellectual, musical, and artistic talents, as well as your all-around support for our cause!
We have so many dedicated Noggin volunteers who devoted their time and energy to help demonstrate what NW Noggin does best! You are not only part of the purpose of Noggin Fest, but responsible for its success. Thank you for lending your talents, and abilities, and enriching this event even further. Thank you for all that you do!
The volunteers who helped out at the Noggin Fest are the same people who make ongoing outreach with NW Noggin possible. These are the students who proudly attend K – 12 schools, and many other events, sharing their knowledge and passion for neuroscience education anywhere and everywhere they go!
We greatly appreciate all of those who volunteered, and donated their time, energy, and efforts to making this event possible! You are an incredible bunch of people, and what we do is made possible by your combined efforts. So, this is our thanks to all of you.
Thanks to Noggin Resource Council member Thomas Madison for skillfully operating the EEG projections, as well as helping troubleshoot in many other areas during the event. Thank you to Aliese Poole for enthusiastically teaching our guests how to transform simple pipe cleaners into fantastic works of neuronal sci-art, and thanks to Heather Hamilton for doing the same, even though it meant staying up way past your bed time! Thank you to Jobe Ritchie for being a dedicated brain wrangler the entire evening (five hours!), and to Gaile Parker, for being there to help with brains and sharing your extensive knowledge of neuroscience with our guests.
Thank you to Travis Christian, for lending us EEG projections of your brainwaves during the show, as well as looking after our prized raffle bounty, and selling lots of raffle tickets! Thank you to Leota Wolford, Alex Kunz, and Andrea Anaya for helping with the raffle as well, and for doing whatever else was needed during the show! Thank you to Resource Council member Jessica Patching-Bunch for offering your support, and to Ali Christian-Mack for your willingness to help, even under difficult personal circumstances. Thank you to Britt Gratreak for taking pictures during the event, helping out with the band merchandise table, and for making the online Noggin Fest donation page!! Thank you to Allie Clark for offering to fill in, and help out where it was needed.
Thank you to Resource Council member Ruth Marigomen for picking up raffle donations, as well as looking after the band merchandise table. Thank you to Eric Polch for coming and helping out with merch, even though it wasn’t expected of you. That was much appreciated! Thank you to Resource Council member Sulema Rodriguez for going out of your way to pick up last-minute raffle prizes on the day of the event, and for being there to help out with whatever else was required! Thank you to Bekah Hough, and Jennifer Jensen, for not only helping with the silent art auctions, but for helping to greet our guests as they entered the theatre!
Thank you to Resource Council member Joey Seuferling for being there from start to finish, helping to setup the event at the beginning, and to close down the event when it was all over. You stepped up and came through whenever help was needed. It was greatly appreciated! Thank you to Noggin Brain Board Member John Harkness for introducing all of the bands and speakers, as well as for calling the raffle, and being an all-around great Noggin Fest host! Thank you to Brain Board member Kindra Crick, too, for setting up the extraordinary art auction, and successfully reminding Noggin Fest goers to check out the beautiful science-inspired works available for bidding.
And our resounding thanks goes out to Resource Council member Jesse Hamlin for dreaming up Noggin Fest in the beginning, and for seeing it through to the end! Thank you for donating your creative talents, hard work, and energy, toward making our first ever Noggin Fest a possibility!
Finally, thank you Dr. Bill Griesar and Jeff Leake, the founders of NW Noggin, because none of this would exist without you! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to your students, and thank you for investing in us! NW Noggin is special because it is backed by exceptional volunteers who inspire the same in others. It is because of NW Noggin, and because of innovative efforts to bring institutions together that we have reached such a diverse array of people, many in need of inspiration, dreams, and hope for a better future. So when we enter schools, we are bringing more than brains and pipe cleaners, we are bringing those things too. If that’s not a cause worth standing for, then I’m not sure what is.