Tag: community
NogginFest 2022: A Mid-Pandemic Revival!

Post by Mikah Brandes, graduate of Portland State University, BUILD EXITO scholar, former Research Assistant and Center Administrator at Oregon Health & Science University, accomplished musician and Lab Assistant at True Terpenes. Mikah has written about his neuroscience lab experiences here: What’s it like to research aging & neurodegeneration? Seeing…
“What makes people struggle?”

Post by Zoie Harpole, undergraduate in Psychology and Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at Portland State University. Zoie has joined multiple outreach visits through nwnoggin.org. As a student working towards my degree in psychology and interdisciplinary neuroscience at PSU, I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with Northwest Noggin over the past…
How do you find a job in a lab?

Post by Bradley Marxmiller, undergraduate in Biology and Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at Portland State University. Bradley followed up this post with more details on his experience in Dr. Atheir Abbas’s lab at the Portland VA Hospital/OHSU: Learning with Light. The most common question I get from fellow students interested in science…
¡Ser bilingüe es maravilloso!

Escrito por Lidia Echeverria-Garcia y Ziru Bolen, estudiantes de posgrado bilingües, Ciencias y Trastornos de Comunicación, Universidad de Oregón. LEARN MORE: 双语很酷! LEARN MORE: Bilingualism is Cool! Muchos niños aprenden dos lenguajes desde temprana edad o después de empezar la escuela. Estos niños son considerados bilingües. Seguido familias preguntan si sus…
Bilingualism is Cool!

Post by Lidia Echeverria-Garcia and Ziru Bolen, Bilingual Graduate Student Clinicians, Communication Disorders & Sciences, University of Oregon. LEARN MORE: 双语很酷! LEARN MORE: ¡Ser bilingüe es maravilloso! TAKE THE SURVEY Please click on the link to take this survey when you finished reading the blog post – thank you! Many…
Enamored by Neuroscience!

Post by Grace Taylor, undergraduate Psychology major and interdisciplinary neuroscience minor at Portland State University. Grace joined Noggin outreach volunteers at the gorgeous new MLK Elementary in Vancouver Public Schools this month, including fellow PSU undergraduates Yasaman Farhand, Britta Harbury, Sydney Watson, Elizabeth Munk, Lauren Kuiper and Annabella Showerman. We love brains This April…
Moving beyond paywalls and jargon

Post by Britta Harbury, interdisciplinary neuroscience and honors undergraduate at Portland State University. Britta regularly contributes to outreach through NW Noggin, and was invited to help present on innovative, student-led community engagement and mental health by Oregon TRIO at their 2022 annual conference on the Oregon coast. Neuroscience is a…