WHAT: Noggin visit with SUN Program students at Rigler Elementary School! We did it! Hearts & Brains Experiencing the Human to Human Interface from Backyard Brains! LEARN MORE: Brain Hacking is Electric! WHERE: Rigler Elementary School, 5401 NE Prescott St, Portland, OR 97218 WHEN: THURSDAY, August 4, 12:45pm – 3:00pm SUN…
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Post by Grace Taylor, undergraduate Psychology major and interdisciplinary neuroscience minor at Portland State University. This spring, Grace returned to her former classroom at Southridge High School in Beaverton, Oregon as a TA for the IB Biology class. Nostalgia at Southridge High For my Neuroscience minor outreach I spent time at…
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Post by Yasaman Farhand, undergraduate in Science and Interdisciplinary Neuroscience at Portland State University. Yasaman has contributed to multiple outreach visits to K-12 public classrooms and at the annual NogginFest through nwnoggin.org. “I like crossing the imaginary boundaries people set up between different fields – it’s very refreshing.” — Maryam Mirzakhani…
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Post by Annabella (Bella) Showerman, undergraduate Psychology major and interdisciplinary neuroscience minor at Portland State University. Many who aspire to study the brain are fascinated with what makes us who we are and why we do the things that we do. I have always been drawn to neuroscience for this very…
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Post by Grace Taylor, undergraduate Psychology major and interdisciplinary neuroscience minor at Portland State University. Grace joined Noggin outreach volunteers at the gorgeous new MLK Elementary in Vancouver Public Schools this month, including fellow PSU undergraduates Yasaman Farhand, Britta Harbury, Sydney Watson, Elizabeth Munk, Lauren Kuiper and Annabella Showerman. We love brains This April…
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