The term collagraph is derived from the Greek words “koll” or “colla” which means glue and “graph” which means to draw. So you’ll be creating a drawing by gluing!
Many collagraphs are made by collaging textured material onto a piece of Mat board but the most accessible and easiest way is to just use old file folders. We use manilla folders to make our collagraphs.
- Cut the folder to the desired size, 5”x6” is a good size to start.
- Draw your neuron onto a different piece of the manilla folder and cut out the pieces.
- Paste the cut pieces onto your 5”x6” piece. Layers start to look really cool, don’t go higher than 3 layers of yardstick or Manila folder.
- Let dry completely.
- Roll up with ink.
- Place a sheet of paper on top of your inked neuron.
- Rub or burnish with your hand really pressing down on all the different heights and ridges.
Student Understanding
Students will learn and understand different structures of the neuron and how they function. Some elements of art and process of printmaking will also be covered.
Arts Based Strategies
Principals of design, observational thinking.