NW Noggin (Northwest Neuroscience Outreach Group:  Growing in Networks, is a robust, creative, volunteer driven non-profit organization (EIN:  81-3885713) that brings scientists, artists and students of all ages together to enthuse young people about science and art, share area educational resources, and inform and excite the public about ongoing, taxpayer supported neuroscience research…

For more information on NW Noggin’s ongoing outreach:


LEARN MORE:  Noggin Bloggin
A regularly updated summary of our outreach visits and activities, with an emphasis on the science presented, and the arts projects designed to educate students and the public about research exploring the link between brain and behavior…

LEARN MORE:  Calendar of Events
What’s next on our schedule?  How can you get involved?

For all inquires contact Aaron Eisen  –

For neuroscience inquiries contact Bill Griesar  –

For art inquiries contact Jeff Leake  –

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