A Biochemical “Cascade”..!

Ten enthusiastic, multi-state, undergraduate NW Noggin volunteers from WSU Vancouver and Portland State University spent an entire day at Cascade Middle School in Vancouver, Washington  –  home to 900 curious and adventurous 6th through 8th graders! Our undergraduates gained tremendous real world experience in these classrooms, and enjoyed the chance to practice their…

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Battle Ground Brains!

Our Noggin volunteers from WSU Vancouver and Portland State headed up interstate 5 today for an afternoon discussing neurons, networks, and the functional contributions of different brain regions with 180 curious students at CAM Junior and Senior High School in Battle Ground, WA… Our talented undergrads took charge of the microphone, and engagingly explained the…

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Brains for 437 @ HeLa High!

Our skilled undergraduate outreach participants, a total of twelve from WSU Vancouver and Portland State University, led multiple discussions of brain structure and function for wave upon wave of high school students at HeLa High School in Vancouver this morning… We arrived early, and split into two rooms:  the library for…

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Brain Health at Sabin K-8

Our Noggin volunteers from WSU Vancouver and Portland State spent two afternoons speaking with 6th through 8th graders at Sabin K-8, a PPS school in Northeast Portland… We spoke in four Health classes about adolescent brain development, and concrete steps we all can take to improve brain health, including good sleep,…

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NW Noggin visits DC!

For the annual Society for Neuroscience conference, where eight undergraduate participants from WSU Vancouver and PSU presented a poster on outreach activities from summer 2014! A pdf of the NW Noggin poster is available here… SfN Poster NW Noggin 2014 In the photo above are Merri Hansen, Amanda Yancey, Bill Griesar,…

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Waltzing Mice @ Velo!

Amanda Barkley-Levenson, a graduate student in Behavioral Neuroscience at OHSU, and Kelsey Holland-Rayle, an illustration major at PNCA (the Pacific Northwest College of Art), teamed up this week to present a lively introduction to the fascinating history of how mice studied in genetic and behavioral research came to be… The tale (tail?) involved…

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Drugs, Genes & Waltzing Mice!

Tales from Genetic Research! Mouse fanciers developed unusual, multi-colored, alcohol drinking, even “waltzing” mice  –  while scientists sought out rodents with unique behaviors and genes. Amanda Barkley-Levenson, a graduate student in Behavioral Neuroscience at OHSU, and Kelsey Holland-Rayle, a student of illustration at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, will…

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