Trap Squad!

Post by Denesa Lockwood Oberbeck, OHSU/NW Noggin Board Fort Vancouver High School (FVHS) in 1961 There is no substitute for hands-on learning. This is often the first-cited premise for justifying biological dissections. This author (and lots of other educators) believe in this premise whole-heartedly, as do an always eager group of NW Noggin…

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Tagging the temporal lobe

Noggin returned for a second “Noggin Tuesday” at p:ear this week to make art, hold brains and answer questions… LEARN MORE: Noggin @ p:ear We’re visiting multiple mornings this spring, and this week’s eager volunteers included Jordan Ray, Jade Osilla and Aaron Eisen from Portland State University, and Noggin Resource Council member…

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Soup for Brains!

How much energy does a brain require? How many brain cells do we have? Are humans unique in terms of brain size, number of neurons  –  or social skills, tool use, deception, or play..? How do you make “brain soup?” And what’s the best way to bring fresh cerebrums on an international…

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P:ear: “He LOVES this”

Post and pictures by volunteer Ashley Keates, Portland State University As NW Noggin stepped feet and brains into p:ear we could instantly sense the great vibes and excitement from some of the youth at this much beloved and essential homeless youth center. One of the directors signaled a volunteer aside…

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Reaction Time @ Reynolds

Noggin recently teamed up with three inspiring partners, NIH BUILD EXITO and the Equity & Empowerment Corps (EEC) at Portland State University, and the Alliance for Visible Diversity in Science at OHSU. We brought volunteers, enthusiasm, research background, diversity, empowerment and BRAINS to Reynolds High School for a lively introduction to neuroscience in Mr.…

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On 420 & Hooch

Post by Joey Seuferling, NW Noggin Resource Council member Volunteers of NW Noggin recently visited Skyridge Middle School for a second time this spring! LEARN WHAT WE DID IN MARCH: Curiosity’s Sky-High at Skyridge! Again we brought together Art and Neuroscience with depolarizing passion and enthusiasm. Our volunteers were excited as…

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Mental health @ McMenamin’s

Noggin volunteers and members of the Neuroscience and Psychology Clubs from Portland State University beelined to the historic art and beer-saturated McMenamin’s Edgefield Hotel last Friday to join the annual Society for Neuroscience Oregon/Southwest Washington Chapter meeting at the mouth of the Columbia River Gorge… It was a mossier, wetter morning…

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