Slow Down, You’re Doing Fine

Post by Maha Mukhtar, senior undergraduate at Portland State University pursuing a bachelors degree in Psychology with a minor in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience. This fall term she is a part of the Northwest Noggin outreach program. This fall I’ve been visiting Portland area public classrooms, teaching kids about the brain and…

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Every day is Halloween

Halloween is now always on our schedule for Noggin outreach, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School in Northeast Portland is one of the most creative places to spend the day! LEARN MORE FROM LAST YEAR: A Hippocampal Halloween We brought a large contingent of excited volunteers to King,…

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Do salmon laugh?

Post by Jennifer Logan, Honors undergraduate in Psychology and Indigenous Nations and Native American Studies pursuing an Interdisciplinary Neuroscience minor at Portland State University. Jennifer is a regular volunteer participant in outreach through Northwest Noggin. We enjoyed an afternoon with curious 4th graders at Sunnyside Environmental School this fall, making…

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Show me the glia!

Post by Conner Corbett, Psychology/Interdisciplinary Neuroscience graduate from Portland State University, Clinical Research Assistant at Oregon Health & Science University, PSU Neuroscience Club Alumni Advisor, and recipient of a 2024 NW Noggin Glial Grant. Funding and Politics Before you go to graduate school, please know this: funding and the university…

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NogginFest 2024!!!

Putting on NogginFest each year as a totally free, accessible presentation of local Northwest artists, musicians and neuroscience researchers – the largest student-run celebration of interdisciplinary neuroscience in our art and brain-saturated region – isn’t an easy lift! LEARN MORE: NOGGINFEST! But we have extraordinarily creative and resourceful undergraduates at…

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Why do we think too hard?

Post by Melissa Garcia, an undergraduate at Portland State University pursuing a major Psychology with a minor in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience. Why do I feel trapped in my mind? Why I can’t escape myself? Thoughts like these can impact people who live under pressure and face stress in their lives. I’ve…

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