Our practiced NW Noggin outreach participants set up a colorful neuron-strewn table at Portland’s Newmark Theater on Tuesday night, and spoke with audience members at the second OHSU Brain Institute “Brain Awareness” lecture, delivered by Nicolas Bazan…
Dr. Bazan, Director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at Louisiana State University, delivered a passionate and compelling presentation of his research on mechanisms that may contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, and integrated the relevant work of visual artists, poets, and musicians into his talk…
A particularly affecting series of self-portraits by artist William Utermohlen, stricken with Alzheimer’s, helped bring home, powerfully, the relentlessly devastating nature of this disease…
Dr. Bazan is also a winemaker, and has written an extraordinary book focused on the relationship between a disaffected neuroscientist, and a talented New Orleans musician with Alzheimer’s disease, titled “Una Vida.” The book was recently released as a celebrated film, “Una Vida: A Fable of Music and the Mind…”
We enjoyed the lecture, and then met with inspired audience members in the Newmark lobby to discuss our art and neuroscience outreach work with graduates, undergraduates, and K-12 students interested in learning more about the brain, and behavior…
Another great night of education and outreach…
Many thanks to Kate Stout and Bobby Heagerty at the OHSU Brain Institute for arranging, and funding access to these lectures for our NW Noggin undergraduate volunteers from WSU-V, OHSU, PSU and PNCA…